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Celtic Odyssey – Playlist Celtic Odyssey – Playlist

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Folder File List:

01-Northern Lights _ Caro…
02-Orison _ The Butterfly…
03-Altan _ Donal Agus Mor…
04-Alasdair Fraser_Paul M…
05-Scartaglen _ Chuaigh M…
06-John Whelan_Eileen Ive…
07-Alasdair Fraser _ Are …
08-Moving Hearts _ Tribut…
09-Relativity _ Siun Ni D…
10-Capercaillie _ Alasdai…
11-Sileas _ Puirt A Beul….
12-Gerald Trimble _ The Y…
13-Laurie Riley and Bob M…
14-Simon Wynberg _ Strath…