
We’ve worked hard to make DivShare as functional, error-free and easy to use as possible – but there’s always a chance something will go wrong. If you run into an error or something just doesn’t make sense, please e-mail us at [email protected]. We’ll get back to you immediately and get your files up and running as soon as we can.

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Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is DivShare?
  • How do I upload to DivShare?
  • How do I view or download from DivShare?
  • What does 'download limit exceeded' mean?
  • When does my download allotment reset?
    Does my storage limit ever increase?
  • Who can see my files after I've uploaded them?
  • Can I search for other people's files?
  • How do I close my DivShare account?


  • What's the max file size allowed per upload?
  • I'm receiving an error while uploading, or my upload stalls. What should I do?
  • Can I upload more than five files, or an entire folder, at one time?

Flash media players and document viewers

  • How do I create a slideshow?
  • How do I convert my video to Flash?
  • How do I put my song in a Flash MP3 player?
  • How do I create a playlist?
  • How do I convert my document to the online document viewer?
  • How do I turn off Flash conversion?
  • How do I make my embedded videos and audio auto-play?

Managing Files

  • How do I delete files?
  • How do I move files I've already uploaded into and out of folders?
  • How do I add or modify a file description?

Sharing Files

  • I've uploaded files — now how do I share them?
  • How do I link to an entire folder of files?
  • How do I add my link and logo to my download pages?

Premium Users

  • How do I get the direct link to a file?
  • How do I add my logo to my Flash players?
  • How do I upload using FTP?
  • How do I add a custom link to my Flash players?
  • Refund Policy
  • Acceptable Use Policy
  • Cancellation

Top Questions

How do I create an MP3 playlist?

What does "download limit exceeded" mean?

How do I get the direct link (hotlink) to a file?

More Resources

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Still need help?

After reviewing the FAQ, open a support ticket.


What is DivShare?

DivShare is the best place to store and share all your photos, videos, songs and documents. Create slideshows, Flash video, MP3 players and playlists, and online document viewers in a single click. All your media and documents are embeddable and shareable from DivShare. And with several sharing and privacy options, it’s fast and easy to share your files with anyone or to keep them completely private. Your files are accessible from anywhere and stay online for as long as you have an account with us.

Sign up for free. We also offer enterprise services for businesses.

How do I upload to DivShare?

To upload a file, you must first sign up for a free account. This requires a valid email address that you’ll be asked to confirm within 24 hours of signing up. Then uploading is easy – login to your account, click on the “upload” link that appears on the top of every page, and then browse your computer for the file you wish to upload.

Adding only photos to a folder will create a slideshow, and it’s simple to create streaming Flash video, MP3 players and document viewers. For more help on those, visit the Flash player section of this FAQ.

Once a file has been selected from your computer and you have filled out a few preferences, you have the option of emailing the file to a receipt. To do this, simply enter the receipt’s email address in the “send to” field. Click upload and you’re done! Please be patient with larger files as they’ll take a little longer to upload.

How do I view or download from DivShare?

To view or download a file you’ve uploaded, login to your member dashboard and click on the filename you wish to access. You’ll then be taken to a download page where you can view and download the file. To download a file someone else has uploaded, you’ll need to obtain the unique download link from the original uploader, as user uploaded files are not public or searchable.

What does download limit exceeded mean?

When a user’s account has reached maximum downloads for the month, the files in that account will stay online but will not be viewable or downloadable until the user upgrades his or her account or when his or her downloads reset, which happens once every 30 days. Please note that you cannot apply your monthly download allotment towards another user’s files.

If your account has reached its download limit, you can make your files available immediately by upgrading your account.

When does my download allotment reset?

Your download allotment will reset once every 30 days. To find out the exact day your account resets, login to your member dashboard and click on the My Account link that appears on the top of every page. Note that accounts do not always reset exactly at midnight but rather throughout the day on your day of renewal. You can increase your monthly download limit at anytime by upgrading your account. This information can be found on the top right of your My Account page.

Does my storage limit ever increase?

Your storage limit is static and will not increase automatically. However, adding more storage space is easy and can be done instantly by upgrading your account.

Who can see my files after I've uploaded them?

Only people you choose to share your files with will be able to view and download them. We focus on user privacy and do not keep any public directory of user uploaded files. Each file has a unique download link, and with other privacy features like password-protected folders, you have complete control over who views and downloads your media and documents.

Can I search for other people's files?

No. We do not keep any public directory of user uploaded files nor do we offer any search options. To download a file, you’ll need to obtain the unique download link from the person who uploaded it.

How do I close my DivShare account?

You can completely remove your account with us at anytime by logging in and heading over to your My Account page – the account cancellation link is at the bottom. Please note that closing your account is permanent and irreversible. All of your files and information will be completely erased and there will be no way to recover them.


What's the max file size allowed per upload?

All users can take advantage of our huge file sizes, up to 200 MB per upload. Need to upload even larger files? All of our premium plans allow you to upload files up to 2 GB.

I'm receiving an error while uploading, or my upload stalls. What should I do?

First, make sure your browser supports Javascript, and that it's turned on (this is usually found in your browser's Internet Options). If you're still having trouble, or if your browser doesn't support Javascript, try turning off the Upload Progress Meter by going to your My Account page and unchecking the "Use the Upload Progress Meter" box under preferences, and then click “Save Account Info” at the bottom of the page. This allows you to use a simpler upload method and should fix any Javascript-related errors.

Can I upload more than five files, or an entire folder, at one time?

Yes! All users can take advantage of our drag-and-drop uploading tool, which allows you to upload a large number of files with a single upload. Free users can upload up to 200 MB at a time, while premium users can upload up to 2 GB at a time. The link for this tool can also be found on the right side of the upload page.

Flash media players and document viewers

How do I create a slideshow?

To create a slideshow when uploading, simply add a collection of photos to a folder.

To create a slideshow after uploading, login to your member dashboard, place a checkmark next to the photos you wish to add to a new slideshow and then click on the “Modify files” drop-down menu at the top of the dash and add the photos to a new folder. To add photos to an existing slideshow, simply place them in the folder of the slideshow of your choice using the Modify files drop-down menu.

How do I convert my video to Flash?

All videos in a supported format (AVI, WMV, MOV, MPG, ASF and FLV) are automatically converted to streaming and embeddable Flash upon uploading. The streaming video is viewable from the download page and can be embedded on any blog, site or profile.

You can turn off Flash conversion and edit embedding options on your My Account page.

How do I put my song in a Flash MP3 player?

All MP3s are automatically placed in our embeddable streaming MP3 player upon uploading. The audio can be streamed from the download page and can be embedded on any blog, site or profile.

How do I create a playlist?

Adding two or more MP3s to a folder will automatically create a playlist. This can be done on the upload page and again on the member dashboard by placing a checkmark next to the MP3s you wish to add to a playlist and then by using the “Modify files” drop-down menu at the top of the dash to add the files to a new or existing folder. The playlist can be streamed from any MP3 download page and can be embedded on any blog, site or profile.

How do I convert my document to the online document viewer?

All Word, PowerPoint and PDF documents are automatically converted to embeddable Flash upon uploading. The converted document can be viewed from the download page and does not require any software or download.

You can turn off Flash conversion on your My Account page.

How do I turn off Flash conversion?

You can turn off Flash conversion for any or all types of files at anytime by logging into your member dashboard and clicking on the My Account link that appears on the top of every page. These settings can be found on the right column under “Preferences”. Place a checkmark (or uncheck) the options you wish to change and then click “Save Account Info” at the bottom of the page and the settings will immediately take effect.

How do I make my embedded videos and audio auto-play?

Just add &autoplay=true to your code in the <embed> tag's "src" attribute and the <param name="movie"> tag's "value" attribute. The result should look like: /flash/audio?myId=12345-abc&autoplay=true. Remember that there are two places in the embed code to make this change.

Managing files

How do I delete files?

Login to your member dashboard, place a checkmark next to the filename you wish to remove, and then click the "delete" button found at the top of the dash. To delete an entire folder, click on the folder you wish to remove on the sidebar, once the folder loads choose "Select All" files at the top, and then click the "delete" button. Deleting all the files in a folder will remove the folder from your dash after loading a new page or refreshing.

How do I move files I've already uploaded into and out of folders?

To move your files in and out of folders, login to your member dashboard and place a checkmark next to the filenames you wish to move, then click the "Modify files" drop-down menu at the top of the dash. Select “Remove from folder” to take the files out of a folder or simply select the name of the folder you wish to move it to.

How do I add or modify a file description?

You can add a description to your files when uploading and again on your member dashboard by clicking on the small pencil icon (when in list view) or by clicking the word “edit” (when in icon view), both found next to or directly under the filename. A description is used to better organize and identify your files on your dashboard and is displayed on the download page in place of the filename.

Sharing files

I've uploaded files — now how do I share them?

We’ve made it as easy as possible to share your media and documents with anyone you choose. There’s several ways to share a file and they start on the upload form. If you know the email address (or email addresses) of people you’d like to send the file to, fill in those addresses in the “send to” field before clicking upload. On the upload success page you’ll be presented with a big link and a “more options” button. This big link goes to what we call a download page. On the download page you can view and download the file you’ve just uploaded. Simply sending this link to someone will give them access to that file. And the “more options” button, when clicked, will open up several other sharing options for that file, such as a way to post it on a blog or social network.

These sharing options are displayed again on your member dashboard, so it’s easy to share any file – no matter when you uploaded it. Hovering over “Share” to the right of the filename (in list view) or under the filename (in icon view) will drop down these options. Finally, these sharing options appear once again on the download page.

You can disable downloading and/or embedding at anytime by editing the preferences on your My Account page.

How do I link to an entire folder of files?

Linking to a folder of files couldn’t be easier. This is because on any download page of a file in a folder, all the other files in that folder will be listed. Simply share the download link of any file in a folder and the download page will do the rest.

How do I add my link and logo to my download pages?

To customize your download pages with your link and logo, head on over to your My Account page and fill in your site, blog or profile name, URL and choose to upload an image or logo that will be displayed in place of the DivShare logo on all your download pages. For best results, we recommend logos being up to 450x60 and saved as a JPG, GIF or PNG. Co-branding is a way of adding a personal touch to your download pages and a way of keeping your name in the limelight when people come to view and download your files.

Premium users

How do I get the direct link to a file?

When you upgrade, you'll find a new sharing option on your download pages and your dashboard. Just copy the contents of the "Direct" field, and use that link to launch a direct download of your file. You can also put it inside an image's "src" attribute, or use it any way you'd use a regular file URL. The format is — so you just replace the word "download" in your regular download link with "direct".

How do I add my logo to my Flash players?

Premium users will find three new upload fields on their My Account page for three different Flash players — video, audio and slideshow. Upload a logo up to 18 pixesl high and up to 90 pixels wide and save it in PNG-24 format with transparency for the best results, and it will appear on all your players when they are embedded anywhere on the web. Please note that if your logo is not saved with transparency, it may not display properly on your Flash players.

Adding a logo to your Flash players is the ultimate way of customizing your streaming videos, songs and slideshows that are embedded across the Internet. This helps build your brand and can be linked back to your site or blog instead of sending your visitors back to DivShare.

How do I upload using FTP?

Another tool premium users can take advantage of is File Transfer Protocol (or FTP). FTP is a way to connect directly to our servers and upload faster and more efficiently. Users already familiar with FTP will find it a breeze to get uploading immediately, while those new to the tool should be able to pick it up fairly quickly. To get started, premium users will want to head to the FTP uploading page (this link also appears on the upload page). Here you’ll find your FTP login information, steps to uploading and links to the software you’ll need, if you don’t have it already.

How do I add a custom link to my Flash players?

On your My Account page, you can set a default link for all your players by filling in the "Site URL" field. On individual embeds, you can change the link to a custom page by modifying the code. Just find the two parts of the code that look like this: /flash/video?myId=12345-abc, and append your link to the code like this: /flash/video?myId=12345-abc&myCustomLink= Adding your link and logo to your Flash players will allow you to keep your name in the limelight, no matter where your players are embedded on the web, and send your visitors back to your site or blog instead of back to DivShare.

Refund Policy

If for any reason you're dissatisfied or change your mind about your premium DivShare account, we offer refunds on all subscriptions within 24 hours of your purchase. To request a refund, just e-mail us at [email protected] with your account info, and we'll take care of it right away.

Acceptable Use Policy

All uploads should comply with our Terms of Use — any files that infringe on copyright or could be considered adult in nature are prohibited. This also applies to private files, even if you don't intend on sharing them. If files are found to be in violation of our content standards, they will be deleted with no refund.


You may cancel your subscription at any time by contacting us at [email protected]. After the 24-hour refund period following account creation, no subscription fees will be refunded upon cancellation. Your account will not be charged after the date of your cancellation request. Upon cancellation, you may choose to keep a free DivShare account, in which case all your files less than 200 MB in size will remain online. If you choose to close your account completely, your files will be removed.